Should you need to withdraw your student, please adhere to the following procedures:
- Please contact Lisa Squier in the Counseling office to initiate the withdrawal process. lisa.squier@cobbk12.org, (770) 578-7903 Ext. 069
- Please note that only the enrolling adult on file can withdraw a student.
- You will need to provide the following information: 1. Date of withdrawal 2. Reason for withdrawal 3. New mailing address 4. Name & Address of the school where you plan to enroll your student.
- Student withdrawals will require 24 hours to process. Part of our process includes verifying that all textbooks have been returned, all library books have been returned and any past due fines/fees have been paid. We will also be notifying the cafeteria to determine if any funds need to be refunded from your student's lunch account. If your student is leaving the County, you will need to return the County-issued student laptop to the Counseling Office.
- Final paperwork will be available for pickup after all of the information above has been received. At the time of withdrawal, you will complete a withdrawal form and be provided a 'Request for Records' form to provide to the new enrolling school. Please be aware that a photo ID will be needed in order to withdraw.
- Due to Georgia state mandates that require us to document students once they are withdrawn, student records will not be released at the time of withdrawal. Student records will be submitted to the new school upon receipt of the 'Request for Records' form. All student records are submitted electronically to the new enrolling school. Any questions from the new school can be directed to Lisa Squier.